Workshop and Summer School on Applied Analysis 2024  [POSTER]

The upcoming Summer School and Workshop is organized in cooperation with the BMBF funded AI junior research group SALE. The Chemnitz summer school has been a tradition since 2006. Five invited distinguished researchers from mathematical fields including functional analysis, approximation theory, numerical analysis and machine learning will each give two lectures during the morning sessions. In the afternoon, participants are invited to give contributed talks about their current research. In addition to the lectures and talks, there will be enough time for discussions and networking.

Accommodation is not provided, but we have blocked a number of rooms (until end of July) at the Hotel an der Oper and in the Biendo Hotel with a discounted rate. This rate is only valid for booking via phone or email

but not via the online booking system. Furthermore a list of nearby hotels can be found here.

Date September 16-20 (Mon-Fri) approximately from Monday 9:15 a.m. to Friday 1:00 p.m.
Location We will hold the 2024 Workshop and Summer Scool on Applied Analysis in-person on the TU Chemnitz campus in the new and beautifully renovated University Library Building located close to the downtown area and the railway station.
Scientific topics The courses of the summer school focus on different aspects of Applied Analysis. They are meant for training of graduate students, Ph.D. students and young post-doc researchers.

The Summer School is organized in cooperation with the Junior Research Group SALE.

Schedule The program is available: Schedule
Invited speakers
  • Tanja Eisner (Uni Leipzig)
    Ergodic Theorems
  • Wolfgang Erb (Università degli Studi di Padova)
    Computational Harmonic Analysis on Graphs
  • Sebastian Neumayer (TU Chemnitz)
    Data-Driven Approaches for Solving Inverse Problems
  • Feliks Nüske (MPI Magdeburg)
    Koopman-Based Learning for Stochastic Dynamical Systems
  • Beatrice Vedel (Université de Bretagne Sud)
    Random Wavelet Series
Contributed talks or posters Participants have the opportunity to give a talk or present posters with their own research.
Important dates
Registration fee 40 Euro, please pay the registration fee in the Ticketshop of TU Chemnitz here
(Choose CMS2024 in the left side menu)
Franziska Nestler (Chemnitz) Martin Stoll (Chemnitz)
Daniel Potts (Chemnitz) Tino Ullrich (Chemnitz)